Company information

Essential Oil Supplies is an online retailer of books, accessories and business tools for essential oil users and product consultants. Our desire is to provide you with a wide variety of quality products at affordable prices. We are driven by providing the very best service we can.

Essential Oil Supplies Ireland
EO Supplies Germany GmbH
Am Zeppelinpark 27
13591 Berlin

Tel.: +49 (0)30 86322 115

Commercial register: District Court Charlottenburg
Registration number: HRB 224406 B
Managing Director: Cort Comish
VAT identification number: DE338847462

Platform of the EU Commission for online dispute resolution:

We are neither legally obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer dispute resolution office.

Responsible for editorial content in accordance with Art. 18 (2) MStV [German Interstate Broadcasting Agreement]:
Cort Comish, Am Zeppelinpark 27, 13591 Berlin, Germany

+49 (0)30 86322 115

Essential Oil Supplies Ireland
Am Zeppelinpark 27
13591 Berlin, Germany

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